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Dengue fever.in.english.


<Dr.Virender Madhan.>

[What is another term for dengue?]

The alternative name for dengue, breakbone fever, [Dandak juwar] comes from the associated muscle and joint pains.

<< What is dengue called in Ayurveda?

Dengue has been described as "Dandaka Jwara" in the Madhava Nidan. Here it has been described that a Mosquito is the basic cause for spread of this fever *Dandaka Jwara.*

[<Which Ayurvedic medicine is best for dengue?

-Amrithothara kashaya

-Amritha satva(Sat giloy) 

-Petol panchhi kewat

-Tribhuvan kirti ras

-Sanjivni Vati

-Mahasudarsan churana

are some of the good ayurvedic medicines advised in Dengue fever. 

- Boil tulasi in water and drink this water throughout the day to build up immune system. 10-15 basil leaves should be chewed twice a day, to strengthen body's defence mechanism.

#Ayurvedic remedies for dengue fever


- One of the benefits of fenugreek include it being a powerful painkiller.

> Orange juice:-

-Vitamin C can help in boosting the immune system. 

> Neem leaves:-

 The leaves of neem possess miraculous medicinal properties.

>What is dengue called in Ayurveda?

What is your advice for a dengue patient?

There is no specific medicine to treat dengue infection. If you think you may have dengue fever, you should use pain relievers with acetaminophen and avoid medicines with aspirin, which could worsen bleeding. 

You should also rest, drink plenty of fluids, and see your doctor.


> Dengue Fever:

Dengue fever is a disease caused by the mosquito-bite carrying the dengue virus. The female Aedes mosquito is the carrier of this virus. The symptoms of the fever typically begin from three to fourteen days after the mosquito bite infection. The symptoms may include -very high fever,

 - complains of headache, 


-muscle pain, 

-joint pains, and a type of skin rash.

Interesting Facts About Dengue

Dengue does not spread through human contact, rather it spreads when bitten by the carrier mosquito, the female Aedes mosquito. This mosquito is known to bite during the daytime and its favourite spots to bite are below the elbow and the knee.

Dengue is not fatal if identified early and treated well.

Dengue is found in most parts of the world, 

- the platelet count to drop drastically resulting in severe bleeding and a drop in blood pressure. This may also lead to shock and death.

When a pregnant woman is infected with dengue fever, she can pass on the infection to the baby during childbirth.

When infected with dengue, the patient should not take aspirin or other painkillers.  

- temperature and to keep the patient hydrated with plenty of water and electrolyte fluids. Nutritional foods are also recommended to fight the disease.

Emergency care of dengue hemorrhagic fever includes intravenous hydration, pain management, blood transfusions, electrolyte and oxygen therapies, careful monitoring of blood pressure levels.

Prevention of dengue fever includes control or eradication of dengue carrying mosquitoes. The Aedes mosquito is known to breed in clean, stagnant and still water.

There is no vaccine to protect against dengue fever.

[What are the Initial Symptoms of Dengue Fever?]

The initial symptoms of the Dengue fever are as follows:

High fever:-

 Temperatures ranging anywhere between 101-104 degree Fahrenheit usually occurs between 3-15 days of exposure to the virus, 

severe chills add to the discomfort.

Aches and Pains

 across the body: These may occur in the muscles, bones or even the joints. This happens because the viral presence causes vitamin and mineral deficiency leading to aches and pains. Infact dengue haemorrhagic fever is famously termed as break bone fever.

Nausea and vomiting:-

 This is because if the virus is potent and the patient’s immunity is poor then the virus progresses to the gastric tract. This should not last for more than a couple of days and should not occur very frequently. If it does, then the patient suffers from severe dengue. 

Dehydration is another concern with vomiting.

Skin Rash:-

 This is a fairly common symptom of mild to moderate dengue. The fever mostly occurs 3-4days after the fever. Initially affects the face giving the skin a spotty, flushed look with a patch of redness. 


Second site for the rash is the trunk where it may spread out in all directions. Another type of dengue rash is characterised by clustered dots which may appear anywhere across the body once the fever has subsided. Mostly it is not itchy. They may get better by themselves for a couple of days and then resurface unexpectedly.

Loss of Appetite:-

Headache: Headaches, lower back-pains and pain behind the eyes are commonly encountered in dengue.

Abdominal pain:-

 Severe abdominal pain is a common symptom of dengue fever. Usually develops in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen.

Bloody Gums and Nose: -

Most of the times, these are benign but recurrent. Sometimes, may become profuse to be termed as Epistaxis.

Blood in stools:-

 Occurs 3-5 days after fever. Black stools like coal-tar may become noticeable for dengue patients. This is termed as MELENA. This occurs primarily due to bleeding in the alimentary tract.

Symptoms of complication: :-

In such cases, blood vessels may get damaged and become leaky, and the platelet count of the bloodstream may drop acutely. Organ dysfunctions in the form of lungs, heart and liver may occur in some cases. Persistent bloody vomits, bruise-like formations on the skin may add on alongside typical dengue discomforts. This constitutes a medical emergency.

Dengue Fever Causes

Dengue fever is caused by any one of four types of dengue viruses spread by mosquitoes that thrive in and near human lodgings. When a mosquito bites a person infected with dengue virus, the virus enters the mosquito. When this mosquito bites another person, the virus enters that person’s bloodstream. The female Aedes mosquito responsible for dengue fever usually grows in clean but stagnant water so avoiding stagnancy should be of concern to lower the risk of infection.

After you recover, you develop immunity to the virus that infected you but not to the other three types of dengue virus. The risk of developing severe dengue fever-also termed dengue haemorrhagic fever actually increases if you are infected with second, third or fourth time.


-. Living or travelling in tropical areas: High-risk areas are South-east Asia, the Western Pacific Islands, Latin America and the Caribbean.

- Prior infection with Dengue fever virus: This increases your risk of having severe symptoms and developing Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever.

- Low immunity-People with low immunity contact the infection quicker than normal population.

What Precautions to Be Taken in Dengue Fever?

As a mosquito-borne disease, 👌👌 dengue is as good as preventing mosquito bites. There is no approved vaccine for dengue fever. Following steps are suggested to prevent you from dengue:

Wear long-

-sleeve shirts and long pants especially at day time so as to cover yourself from mosquito bite. The dengue mosquito bites in the morning.

Treat clothes with repellents like permethrin.

Use EPA-registered mosquito repellent like DEET.

Consider mosquito-netting if you will be living in areas with many mosquitoes.

Make sure windows and doors are closed to avoid mosquitoes into closed spaces.

Avoid areas with standing water especially at times of high mosquito activity like dawn and dusk.

Preventing mosquitoes from accessing egg-laying habitats by environmental management and modification. Ensure there are no open holes with water logged in, no utensils with water left uncovered. Dispose the water and spray kerosene oil on water at open areas so that it prevents mosquitoes to breed.

Disposal of solid waste properly and removing artificial man-made habitats.

Covering, emptying and cleaning of domestic water storage containers on a weekly basis.

Applying appropriate insecticides to outdoor water-storage containers.

Improving community participation and mobilisation for sustained vector control.

Applying insecticides as space spraying during outbreaks as one of the emergency vector-control measures.

Active monitoring and surveillance of vectors should be carried out to determine the effectiveness of control interventions.

Careful clinical detection and management of dengue patients can significantly reduce the mortality rates from severe dengue.

What are the Ways of Diagnostic For Dengue Fever?

Diagnosis of dengue fever may not be very easy and hence history especially travel and contact history is essential. Accurate and early laboratory diagnosis is essential for appropriate management.

Laboratory diagnosis methods for confirming dengue virus infection may involve detection of the virus, viral nucleic acid, antigens or antibodies, or a combination of these techniques. After the onset of illness, the virus can be detected in serum, plasma, circulating blood cells, and other tissues for 4-5 days. During the early stages of the disease, virus isolation,nucleic acid, or antigen detection can be used to diagnose the infection. At the end of the acute phase of infection, serology is the method of choice for diagnosis.

Antibody response to the infection differs depending on the immunity of the host. IgM antibodies are the first immunoglobulins to appear. 


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